Let us handle your business taxes
File with a tax pro
Starting at
+ $85 per state filed
Best for most business types including S Corp, C Corp, LLC
Work with a local tax pro in office or from home
Tax expertise up to 30% less than a typical accountant or CPA
Year-round small business support — 100% accuracy guaranteed
Includes profit and loss statement and tax savings analysis
Get your documents ready
To help you prepare for your tax appointment or for filing your own taxes, we’ve created a checklist to help you know what forms to bring.
We’ve seen it all
With businesses from all industries served each year, we’re prepared to handle any tax situation – no matter how complex. Plus, our tax pros are small business certified.
Year-round support for all of your business needs
Talk with your tax pro about adding these services to your return.
Year-Round Tax Planning Service
Our small business certified tax pros will work with you to calibrate your annual income tax plan, verify your quarterly payment amounts, and get you the best possible outcome.
Year-End Tax Filing Readiness
Our year-end tax filing readiness service allows you to send your records to your tax pro to sort through and prepare for tax time.
Small Business IRS Audit Support
Count on our tax pros to review, research, and respond to any IRS letter or notice, on behalf of your business in case of an audit.
Year-round small business expertise
Small Business Certified
Our tax pros receive specialized training for business tax preparation.
Save Up to 50% on Services
You could save up to 50% when you work with us instead of a typical accountant or CPA.
100% Accuracy Guaranteed
Rest easy knowing your taxes, bookkeeping, and payroll will always be 100% accurate.
Every Industry Served
We help businesses from every industry each year get every credit and deduction they deserve.